January 27, 2022

十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台 made 17 awards through the Sankofa Fund for Cultural Preservation in a new program supported by the 旧金山 Arts Commission. 的 Sankofa Initiative is a re-granting program of the 旧金山 Arts Commission’s 艺术影响捐赠基金,支持受COVID-19影响最严重的有色人种社区的康复和创造力.

的 concept of “Sankofa” is derived from King Adinkera of the Akan people of West Africa. Sankofa is expressed in the Akan language as “se wo were fi na wosan kofa a yenki.这句话的字面意思是“回去拿你忘记的东西并不是禁忌。.”

Acknowledging that our heritage, 遗产, 的祖先, 导师, and communities are bedrocks of who we are and contribute to our creativity, 赠款于2021年10月发放,旨在支持以每个社区的价值观为中心的工作. 的se practices involve many aesthetic forms, value systems, and languages.  Sankofa基金是为你们社区的集体价值观的延续和传播而设计的.

Meet the Inaugural 2021 Grantees!

Individual Awardees:

珍妮Lim ($1,575)
支持在北加州日本文化和社区中心或网上为亚裔美国老年人举办以“记忆”为主题的每周写作研讨会, “意义与回忆录”将通过回忆录和诗歌记录美国历史上那些经历过关键时刻的人的故事.

盛啦 ($12,000)
“Patterns of Transformation” is a refugee community story-cloth project. It will leverage Hmong indigenous textile forms and visual language to explore memory, 创伤, and healing in diasporic, 亚洲, indigenous and newcomer communities.

威尔弗雷德马克 (center) and students from Meadows-Livingstone School. Photo: Robbin S. 弗雷.

威尔弗雷德马克 ($8,000)
Hailing from Trinidad, 威尔弗雷德将在梅多斯-利文斯通学校为K-6年级的学生提供鼓和舞蹈指导, an Afrocentric public school in 旧金山.

Rachel Lozada Matillano ($12,000)
Inabel-nga-Indayon Taoid 该项目为菲律宾裔美国人社区提供传统的Ilokano编织工作坊和学徒. 在旧金山举行的四场研讨会将包括:介绍伊洛野编织的文化和历史意义, lessons on designs and symbols, 还有一个动手部分,参与者可以使用踏板和桌面织机学习基本的编织步骤.

艾迪维亚 & SUKAY. Photo: Will Mosgrove.

昆汀·维亚 ($10,925)
艾迪维亚 is one of the three living legends on the ‘charango,’ a Bolivian string instrument, and founder of the musical group Sukay specializing in the music of the Andes. 这笔资金将用于举办一个50周年纪念音乐会月的演出,并将乐团的音乐历史整理成一个小时长的纪录片.

阮的技巧 ($12,000)
一个多媒体, 以叙事为导向的现场表演将以在越南战争中幸存的家庭成员的声音为特色. In addition to the live component, there will be an audio piece and a video.

刘若英 Peña-Govea ($9,500)
Drawing on forms of folk music like corridos, 牧歌, 和cumbias, 刘若英, along with her six-year-old son, 创作了20首原创歌曲,并与她的家人一起在三季的当地电视台和SF联合学区节目中表演, “SF Loves Learning,” during the pandemic. 这笔资金将支持以数字和限量CD格式发行的高质量录音,以接触更多的儿童和家庭. 我们计划在教会地区举办一场现场社区活动来庆祝CD的发行.

Kim Requesto in a Pangalay pose and dressed in traditional Tausug attire. Photo: This Is It Photography.

Kimberly Requesto ($12,000)

春余 ($12,000)
《纸子兵》是一个多媒体项目,呈现了两个华裔美国兄弟的真实故事, both paper sons turned soldiers who fought for the country during WWII, and came back to build their families in 旧金山, living to over 100. To preserve tradition and cultural heritage, project animator A. Wong’s father spent years compiling the Wong family tree that dates back to 945 AD. 遵循ing in the same tradition, 该项目将重点关注老一辈人的生存和忍耐的故事,成为美国民主战胜种族主义的伟大实验的一部分.

Organization Awardees

Afro Urban Society ($11,250)
Obi gbawara我//My Heart Shattered or What happens after I die?(OGB)是一个多媒体表演和文化文献项目,重新激活植根于Ọdịnanị和Ọmenala伊博传统的文化习俗和文物, as well as Afro-Diasporic/Black cultural practices, 作为审视心碎和悲伤的出发点,探索非洲人后裔的生存和解放是什么样子. Funds will support oral histories and story line development from these sources.

Benin To 的 Bay ($11,250)
“从非洲恐惧症到非洲未来主义”这一主题激发了为期数天的活动,将非洲散居传统的实践者与来自贝宁的太后聚集在一起. Features of the event include creating altars from Haiti and Benin, as well as tracing roots of Lindy Hop, 一种非裔美国人的舞蹈形式,反映了侨民和非洲习俗之间的联系. 事件 will be live streamed and in-person.

Queer Ancestors Project: Still Here SF Reading. Photo: Aimee Espritu.

Chrysalis Studio/Queer Ancestors Project (QAP) ($11,250)
酷儿祖先项目为过渡年龄的青少年提供了两个免费项目,结合了艺术教育和酷儿和变性人历史的研究, 目的是在LGBTQ2S+人群和社区长者之间建立牢固的关系. For LGBTQ2S+ people, storytelling has long been an essential aspect of practice, given that historically it was not always safe to write these stories down. 的 program pairs teaching artists and youth in an apprenticeship of 14 sessions.

Dance Brigade (AKA Dance Mission 的ater) ($11,250)
DMT will collaborate with its neighborhood Head Start preschool, Centro de Alegría to provide weekly dance classes to students, ages 3-5 years old. Classes will focus on Pan-American dance and movement, or “dances of the Américas,” highlighting traditions from different countries and peoples of Latin American. DMT will also work with parents in addition to the students, 邀请他们参加每月一次的“开放日”,这样他们就可以和孩子一起学习练习和舞蹈.

Duniya Dance and Drum Company ($11,250)
第四届非洲艺术节以代表非洲不同地区和非洲侨民的传统表演艺术团体为特色. Vendors will sell traditional wares such as clothing, instruments, jewelry, and food. Public service and advocacy groups will be on hand as well as a free shuttle service, 免费停车, and accessibility accommodations will be present at MacLaren Park.

Instituto Familiar de la Raza ($11,250)
传统土著医学的文化传播者为Chicanx/拉丁裔/Indígenx社区提供了一种独特的社区保健和保健方法. As elders retire, IFR通过建立“传统医学之路”项目,制定了向工作人员传授口头教学的流程,力求确保这些口头传统的连续性.

乐高宝高乐团的成员们在2021年嘉年华上表演. Image courtesy of the organization.

Jamestown Community Center ($11,250)
疯子Bloco, the artistic program of Jamestown Community Center in the Mission District, 将在2022年1月至5月期间为旧金山嘉年华节和游行提供表演指导, 2022年5月. 参加者代表了所有年龄和艺术经验水平,人数在100-300人之间, 鼓手, and stilt walkers.

Kearny Street Workshop ($11,250)
KSW通过口述历史来保存亚太美国人(APA)社区成员的历史, digital archives, 和播客. 的 focus is on the emergence, growth, and future of the 亚洲 Rights Movement.

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